Friday, March 20, 2009

My aspiration

Well aparently my career aspiration happens to be the same as Ai so coincidental. Well for me i feel that being a Airline pilot is a veri challenging career and at the same same time carries a huge amount of responsibility. This is so as any passengers on board of the plane you are piloting are placing their lives in YOUR hand, henceyou should always maintain constant vigilance while piloting a plane.

Now to the requirements of a pilot
-You will need to be of 26 years of age
-The basic license required for any pilot is a Commercial Pilot's licence
-While to be a captain one have to achieve the Air transport pilot licence
-Myopia of no more then 500
-at least 1.65 in height

Phew thats about it but being a pilot may not really be easy you just need to spend 4700 hrs on board of a plane that is like 196 days which is almost half a year gosh that is gonna be long =X but well 4700 hours wont be that long if we are in the sky hehe. =]


Ehh i dunno if i can add songs to my blog. But in any case i added it so hopefully you people will like it =X

My Strength and Weakness in Chemistry

Ehh for my strength i can do well in Chemistry with area that include numbers like balancing equation, Mole ratio etc..
While for my weakness i think it should be the misconception i made while studying. So if i am able to correct those misconception/confusing in time, it should be fine.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spa Reflection

After reading the Spa notes i learn that we must,
Use a draft shield for accurate mass readings,
Allow a hot sample to cool before weighing and
There is other different indicators such as Bipyridine and Nitrophenanthroline.